


Interview with the artist for the Polish Press Agency

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6 years ago


Interview with the artist for the Polish Press Agency

6 years ago


Anna Gulak’s Solo Exhibition

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6 years ago

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6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


Inauguration: 7 June, 12:00, Main Hall of the Polish Sejm
(by invitation only)

The exhibit was held for the first time in Poland at the Polish parliament in June of this year. It opened on the anniversary of the visit of Holy Father Pope John Paul II to the Polish Sejm in June 1999. His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote opening remarks. The exhibit presented Anna Gulak's graphics of Vatican portraits of John Paul II, copies of two Vatican sculptures of the Polish Pope and a papal medal struck by the Vatican on the occasion of the 100th pilgrimage of John Paul II. The Speaker of the Sejm, Marek Kuchciński, was the Honorary Patron of the exhibit.

The exhibit enjoyed great recognition at the Vatican and was the first in its history that presented Polish art in such a broad scope (sculpture, drawing, medals).

6 years ago

Inauguration of Exhibition „Giovani Donne Artiste a confronto” Roma, Teatro dei Dioscuri al Quirinale

Madame Butterfly
oil in canvas, relief, gilded (gold leaf)
olio su tela,rilievo, dorato (gold leaf)
125 x 100 cm

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6 years ago

INUAGURATION OF EXPO “Journeying with Saint John Paul II towards the Jubilee of Mercy” LEONARDO DA VINCI AIRPORT, ROME / INUAGURAZIONE DELLA MOSTRA “In Cammino con Giovanni Paolo II verso il Giubileo della Misericordia” AEROPORTO LEONARDO DA VINCI, ROMA

The current exhibition of the “Faces of John Paul II” in the context of the Leonardo da Vinci airport titled “Journeying with Saint John Paul II towards the Jubilee of Mercy” is designed to be the beginning of its continuance in different continents of the world, thus creating an “itinerant tour” in the footsteps of the Great Pope, The Pilgrim Pope.

La mostra attuale su I Volti di Giovanni Paolo II, presentata nel contesto dell’Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci di Fiumicino dal Titolo “In Cammino con Giovanni Paolo II verso il Giubileo della Misericordia” si prefigge lo scopo di proseguire l’esposizione nei diversi continenti del mondo, creando così un “ciclo itinerante” sulle orme del Grande Papa, il Papa Pellegrino.

“ADR DEDICA UNA MOSTRA A GIOVANNI PAOLO II inter black Un grande busto scultoreo e sei dipinti che raffigurano San Giovanni Paolo II: sono le opere che durante l’Anno Santo saranno esposte in un’area dedicata delle partenze del Terminal1 dell’aeroporto…

Un grande busto scultoreo e sei dipinti che raffigurano San Giovanni Paolo II: sono le opere che durante l’Anno Santo saranno esposte in un’area dedicata delle partenze del Terminal1 dell’aeroporto romano di Fiumicino. È stata inaugurata ieri, infatti, al Leonardo da Vinci, alla presenza del Cardinale Agostino Vallini, Vicario Generale di Papa Francesco, la mostra di opere scultoree e pittoriche dell’artista Anna Gulak «In cammino con Giovanni Paolo II verso il Giubileo Straordinario della Misericordia.

La mostra, realizzata da Aeroporti di Roma in partnership con l’Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, è curata dall’architetto Guido Rainaldi, con il patrocinio del Pontificium Consilium della Cultura e del Vicariato di Roma. Le opere pittoriche, che riproducono i volti di Giovanni Paolo II, verranno corredate dalle più belle citazioni del lungo pontificato del Santo Padre.

«È con grande orgoglio che inauguriamo questa mostra» ha dichiarato l’amministratore delegato di Adr, Lorenzo Lo Presti.

L’aeroporto è lo spazio per antonomasia dedicato agli arrivi e alle partenze, ma è anche il luogo dell’accoglienza del passeggero. Ed è proprio in nome dell’ospitalità che il messaggio di amore e misericordia di Papa Woytila, portato avanti con grande passione da Papa Francesco, si fonde con quello della modernità dello scalo della Capitale, primo hub italiano, e ora anche Porta del Giubileo.

Ancora una volta ADR mette al centro del proprio impegno la qualità del tempo che il viaggiatore trascorre in aeroporto. Un’esposizione, ha detto il Cardinale Vallini, che «non è solo una rievocazione storica ma una rievocazione spirituale di San Giovanni Paolo II come uomo della Misericordia».

«Non vi pare che oggi ci sia un gran bisogno di Misericordia? In questo momento storico, in cui vi sono tanti motivi per vedere grigio, abbiamo bisogno – ha sottolineato – della scintilla dell’origine che ci ci riporta al senso e alla vera pienezza della vita». E Giovanni Paolo II ci rivela qualcosa dell’origine non solo con il suo lunghissimo pontificato ma con la sua vita e la sua fede».

La mostra inaugurata, ha detto il presidente dell’Enac, Vito Riggio, conferisce «ad Adr la dimensione della comunità dove l’arte si coniuga al diritto alla mobilità». Una mostra, ha aggiunto, che sta anche ad attestare che «noi non arretriamo nella difesa delle nostre tradizioni, che sono tradizioni universali».”


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6 years ago

“IMPRESSIONI II” solo painting exhibition july 2015 Rome, Italy

6 years ago

A documentary on the creativity of Anna Gulak produced for Polish television channel TVP2:

6 years ago

ANNA GULAK’S SOLO EXHIBITION / MOSTRA PERSONALE – Citta’ di Bassano del Grappa 6 december/DICEMBRE - 6 january/GENNAIO 2015

6 years ago


6 years ago


The official unveiling of the monumental bust of Pope John Paul II by Polish artist Anna Gulak took place on may 29 at the Palace of the Vicariate of Vatican. The sculpture is a copy of a monumental bust already located in the atrium of Paul VI Hall at the Vatican. Over the ceremony presided the Vicar of Rome His Eminence Cardinal Agostino Vallini. There were also present representatives of diplomacy and of the City of Rome.

L’inaugurazione ufficiale del busto monumentale di San Giovanni Paolo II, opera dell’artista Anna Gulak, è stata effettuata il 29 maggio 2014 all’interno del Palazzo del Vicariato di S.Giovanni in Laterano a Roma, luogo in cui è stata posta la scultura. L’opera è una copia del un busto monumentale già collocato nell’atrio dell’Aula Paolo VI in Vaticano. Nel corso della cerimonia, presieduta dal Vicario di Roma Sua Eminenza il Cardinale Agostino Vallini, erano presenti diversi rappresentanti della Diplomazia, del Vaticano e del Comune di Roma.

6 years ago

mostra sulle piazze e vie di Roma 17 aprile – 4 maggio 2014 expo on the squares and streets of Rome 17 april – 4 may 2014

The exhibition on the squares and streets of Rome by Polish artist Anna Gulak entitled “Faces of John Paul II and John XXIII” features graphic works portraying the “Faces” of the Great Pontiffs combined with chosen quotes from their teaching, translated in several languages. The graphic cycle presents visual artistic message and beautiful papal thoughts, still valid in modern society, with the aim to promote their teaching that deepens faith and spreads the message of peace, dialogue, forgiveness and love of God the Creator. The works are displayed on special structures placed in different parts of historic Rome from April 17th to May 4th located near the screens that will be transmitting the celebrations of the canonizations. Amongst the main locations are Via dei Fori Imperiali, Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, Area Castel Sant’Angelo,Piazza dell’Esquilino (Santa Maria Maggiore),San Giovanni in Laterano, San Paolo fuori le Mura and the Media Center in Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican.
The project has been realized under the patronage of various Vatican Institutions (The Pontifical Council for Culture, The Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, Vicariate of Rome, ORP) and the City of Rome.

Il progetto espositivo sulle Piazze e Vie di Roma dell’artista polacca Anna Gulak intitolato “I Volti di Giovanni Paolo II e Giovanni XXIII” consiste di opere grafiche riproducenti i “Volti” dei due Santi Papi, contrassegnate dalle più belle citazioni scelte nel corso del loro pontificato tradotte in diverse lingue. Le opere uniscono il messaggio artistico/visivo ed il contenuto dei loro pensieri con l’obiettivo di promuovere il loro insegnamento, tuttora valido e necessario alla società moderna per un approfondimento della fede, un messaggio di pace, di dialogo, di perdono e di amore del Creatore. Le opere sono esposte mediante strutture espositive, in diversi luoghi di Roma: Via dei Fori Imperiali, Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, Area Castel Sant’Angelo, Piazza dell’Esquilino (Santa Maria Maggiore), San Giovanni in Laterano, San Paolo fuori le Mura e in Media Center presso Aula Paulo VI in Vaticano.
Sono posizionate in prossimità dei maxi schermi a partire dal 17 aprile al 4maggio sotto il patrocinio di diverse Istituzioni del Vaticano (Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura, Pontificio Consiglio per la Promozione della Nuova Evangelizzazione, Vicariato di Roma e Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi) e di Roma Capitale.

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6 years ago

Canonisation of Pope John Paul II -Press conference at the Vatican, Thursday, April 24 / CANONIZZAZIONE DI PAPA GIOVANNI PAOLO II CONFERENZA STAMPA IN VATICANO; GIOVEDI, 24 MAGGIO 2014

(AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino)

Floribeth Mora, a Costa Rican woman whose inoperable brain aneurysm purportedly disappeared after she prayed to John Paul II, walks past a statue of him made by Polish artist Anna Gulak as she leaves after a press conference at the Vatican, Thursday, April 24, 2014. John Paul II will be made saint together with late Pope John XXIII during a solemn ceremony at the Vatican Sunday.

Floribeth Mora, una donna del Costa Rica colpita da aneurisma cerebrale inoperabile, dopo aver pregato Papa Giovanni Paolo II è stata miracolata facendole scomparire il male. Ha tenuto una conferenza stampa in Vaticano Giovedì 24 Aprile, rilasciato un’intervista davanti alla sua statua dell’artista polacca Anna Gulak. Papa Giovanni Paolo II e Papa Giovanni XXIII diventano eletti Santi nel corso della solenne Canonizzazione tenutasi il 27 maggio 2014 in Vaticano.

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6 years ago

“Meditazioni e Testimonianza” Verona, Italy / PERSONALE DI ANNA GULAK “Meditazioni e Testimonianza” A VERONA


The exhibition “Meditations and Testimony” features a monumental sculpture presenting Blessed John Paul II and a series of abstract paintings entitled “Impressions”, dictated by the imagination of the artist who, through a subtle and delicate lyrical language translates her feelings and meditations into a material form.
The cycle of paintings entitled “Impressions” has been inspired by the organic forms of nature and portray abstract landscapes as dreams that resemble underwater scenes and horizons at sunset. The harmonic series of works combining traditional oil painting on canvas with gold -plated sculptural reliefs, reflects the artistic activity of Anna Gulak, who also works in the field of traditional figurative painting, sculpture and design.
An intimate declaration of the artist that arises from the admiration of the beauty of Creation, with the goal to give the viewer a moment of relaxation and harmony.
Sculpting Blessed John Paul II, the artist wanted to portray the Great Pontiff not only as a pope, but also as a man of great charisma and strength, a true “Peter of our times,” an example not only for believers, but even more for the doubting - a support of moral order in today’s world and a reflection of God’s love.
Anna Gulak’s works represent modern art that doesn’t reject tradition and with its artistic expression and aesthetics of forms intends to restore the beauty and harmony to contemporary art, at the same time giving a sophisticated and exclusive character.


La Mostra tematica dedicata alle “Meditazioni e Testimonianza” è rappresentata da una scultura monumentale raffigurante il Beato Giovanni Paolo II e da una serie di opere astratte “ Impressioni”, dettate dall’immaginazione dell’artista che, attraverso un sottile e delicato linguaggio lirico traduce i suoi sentimenti e meditazioni in una forma materiale.
Il ciclo delle pitture intitolate “Impressioni”, sono state ispirate dalle forme organiche della natura e mostrano paesaggi astratti come dei sogni che assomigliano ad ambienti sottomarini, all’orizzonte, al tramonto. La serie armonica di opere che unisce pittura tradizionale olio sul tela con i rilievi scultorei d’oro, riflette le attività artistica di Anna Gulak ,che si occupa anche della pittura figurativa, della scultura e del design. Dichiarazione intima dell’artista che viene dalla sua ammirazione per la bellezza della Creazione, con l’obiettivo di dare allo spettatore un momento di relax e di armonia.
Nella scultura del Beato Giovanni Paolo II, l’artista ha voluto raffigurare il Grande Pontificie non solo come Papa ma anche come uomo, di grande carisma e forza, un vero”Pietro dei nostri tempi”, un esempio non solo per i credenti ma ancora di più per gli incerti, un supporto di ordine morale per il mondo contemporaneo e un riflesso dell’amore di Dio.
Arte giovane che non rifiuta la tradizione, con espressioni e forme destinate a ripristinare la bellezza e l’armonia dell’arte contemporanea, dando nello stesso tempo un carattere sofisticato ed esclusivo.

The exhibition “Meditations and Testimony” features a monumental sculpture presenting Blessed John Paul II and a series of abstract paintings entitled “Impressions”, dictated by the imagination of the artist who, through a subtle and delicate lyrical language translates her feelings and meditations into a material form.
The cycle of paintings entitled “Impressions” has been inspired by the organic forms of nature and portray abstract landscapes as dreams that resemble underwater scenes and horizons at sunset. The harmonic series of works combining traditional oil painting on canvas with gold -plated sculptural reliefs, reflects the artistic activity of Anna Gulak, who also works in the field of traditional figurative painting, sculpture and design.
An intimate declaration of the artist that arises from the admiration of the beauty of Creation, with the goal to give the viewer a moment of relaxation and harmony.
Sculpting Blessed John Paul II, the artist wanted to portray the Great Pontiff not only as a pope, but also as a man of great charisma and strength, a true “Peter of our times,” an example not only for believers, but even more for the doubting - a support of moral order in today’s world and a reflection of God’s love.
Anna Gulak’s works represent modern art that doesn’t reject tradition and with its artistic expression and aesthetics of forms intends to restore the beauty and harmony to contemporary art, at the same time giving a sophisticated and exclusive character.

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6 years ago


“Il premio è stato fondato 18 anni fa da Giovanni Paolo II per i giovani artisti e le istituzioni attive nel campo dell’architettura, della pittura e della scultura.
Quest’ anno il premio, a nome di Benedetto XVI, è stato dato dal Segretario di Stato Cardinale Tarcisio Bertone durante una sessione della Pontificia Accademia del 21/11/2012. Alla cerimonia hanno partecipato il corpo diplomatico accreditato presso la Santa Sede, nonché i rappresentanti delle Pontificie Accademie.
“Anna Gulak si è diplomata presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Varsavia e Milano.
Nel 2003, prima artista polacca, ha realizzato una medaglia Pontificia in Vaticano in occasione del 25 ° anniversario del Pontificato di Giovanni Paolo II.
Nel 2010 ha realizzato una medaglia Pontificia per Papa Benedetto XVI.
Nel 2011 è stata eseguita una sua mostra personale presso l’Aula Paolo VI in Vaticano, dal titolo “ I Volti del Beato Giovanni Paolo II”.con opere originali di disegni e sculture dell’artista polacca.
Diamo le nostre congratulazioni ad Anna Gulak e auguriamo un continuo successo artistico.”

Ambasciata della Repubblica di Polonia presso la Santa Sede

Winner of Pontifical Award Speaks on Beauty and Truth in Art

By Włodzimierz Rędzioch

ROME, NOV. 21, 2012 (Zenit.org).

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, awarded Polish artist Anna Gulak the 2012 Pontifical Academies Award.
The annual prize, founded 18 years ago by Blessed Pope John Paul II, is intended for both artists and institutions who are active in the fields of architecture, painting and sculpture and whose work have made significant contributions to the development of studies, humanism and artistic expression.
The judging panel consisted of several renowned Italian artists who evaluated dozens of artists and architects from around the world. The prize was awarded during the 17thPublic Session of the Pontifical Academies. Also present were Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture along with representatives of the Church, civil authorities and media.
Q: Could you introduce yourself?
AGulak: I am a young artist [and] I graduated with a Master of Arts degree in Painting and Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland. I also deal with graphics, interior design, issues of art in architecture and work in the field of sacred art.
Last year, on the occasion of the first liturgical remembrance of Blessed [Pope John Paul II] on October 21st in the Vatican, the governor of the Vatican City State opened my exhibition entitled ”Faces of Blessed John Paul II” in the atrium of the Paul VI Hall.
Q: Although you graduated from the Academy in 2009, you already had contact with the Vatican…
Gulak: [That is] correct. During my second year of studies, I was chosen to design and execute, at the request of Vatican City State, a medal commemorating the 100th pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II during the 25th Jubilee Year of the His Pontificate.
After the death of beloved John Paul II, our present Pope, Benedict XVI, while looking at several different medals, admired mine created in 2003 and I was asked once again to design one for Pope Benedict’s pilgrimage to Madrid last year. That medal was also eventually chosen among many other projects.
(Vatican City State makes a series of coins and a commemorative medal every year – information added by the author).
Q: How was it that a young student of the arts started working for the Vatican?
Gulak: In 2002, then Bishop Dziwisz had an opportunity to see my first sculpture. He proposed that I make a papal medal. At that time, I didn’t know that the medals are chosen by open competition and that many outstanding artists from around the world present their works. After a while, I was informed that although it was a big competition, my medal had been selected.
Q: Why you are interested in [Blessed Pope] John Paul II?
Gulak: John Paul II was not only a Pope but also a modern man of great charisma and many talents. He was also a human in every aspect and meaning: Great, yet humble; Strong, but suffering. [He was] a great leader and diplomat, philosopher, poet, sportsman and actor. [He was] firm yet kind, realistic but with a soul of an artist and morally adamant yet emphatic. One could use many words…
Q: You mentioned your exhibition “Faces of Blessed John Paul II” that took place in the Vatican last year. Could you expand on that?
Gulak: The exhibition was composed of two sculptures: a monumental bust portraying John Paul II and a project called the “Tu est Petrus” monument together with eight enormous-sized graphic portraits (3m high), showing different aspects of His character, His “many faces”. Each presented portrait was inspired by His teaching, various sayings and His personality.
The theme of these portraits is dialogue – between the one portrayed and the viewer. Fascinated by monumental forms with reference to modern billboard art and mass culture and at the same time with use of classical workshop, I want to strongly “speak” to the viewer and to create an opportunity of reflection on His various sayings and teachings that inspired each portrait. [I was] fascinated by his energetic path, his sayings and gestures. His whole attitude and personality are for me a personification of God’s beauty and love.
Q: You also mentioned a project of a monument…
Gulak: The “Tu est Petrus” monument is composed of four elements. The upper part of the monument is a shaped figure of John Paul II, emerging from a block of rock portraying him as the “Peter of our time”.
Below, in the geometrical base of the monument, on the front side an inscription “Tu est Petrus” is carved– which is the idea and the message of the whole monument. On the side wall are designed to be carved the most memorable quotes of the Great Blessed and on both sides of the basis of the monument – flowing down water, starting from the mass of rock near the feet of the Great Pope and creating a basin surrounded by a low wall and an “amphitheater” of stairs creating space for meetings and concerts. The monument hasn’t found its place yet and so it waits for a place in the world…
Q: You have been awarded with the “2012 Pontifical Academies Award”.What meaning does this important papal award have for you?
Gulak: First of all, it is a great honor for me to be awarded with such an important prize, to have been chosen from among fifty candidates from all over the world: painters, sculptors and architects. Being recognized with such an important award encourages me more in my work. It gives me the reaffirmation that beauty and truth in art, which are the main objectives of my work, are still needed. In my understanding, their true nature is mystical. It is the beauty and truth which emanate from God and shines not only on humans, but on the whole creation. I hope that the viewer perceives these qualities in my art as a contemplation of some degree of supernatural perfection.
Q: Why do you think the paths of the Church and modern art have diverged?
Gulak: The parting of ways was inevitable when art began to serve other purposes than those recognized by Christian religion and its culture, which proclaims the concepts of goodness, truth, beauty, utilitarianism and development of humanity.
Modern art, for decades now, consciously states notions that have nothing in common with the classical concept of aesthetics. Generally prevailing “anti-art”, and hence noticeable “anti- aestheticism”, stand in opposition to the classical values so precious to the European Culture, which is nothing else but Christian culture. Contemporary art is regarded as a profitable “business”, not conceived in terms of beauty, talent and the genius of the artist.
However, there still exists neo-classical art for connoisseurs where the skills and the work of the artist are highly valued as well as contemporary sacred art. Therefore, it cannot be entirely stated that there is a complete division between the contemporary art and the church. In regards to the latter, unfortunately, it is common that the artists draw from the standards of “anti-aestheticism”.
Recently, Pope Benedict XVI called on [artists] to return to the aesthetic values in sacred art. So let’s hope that the future will bring back the beauty and harmony, at least, to that important sector of contemporary art.

(November 21, 2012) © Innovative Media Inc.

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6 years ago

“IMPRESSIONS” by ANNA GULAK /Westin Excelsior Roma/ 4 – 20 june

6 years ago

Anna Gulak’s”Faces of Blessed John Paul II” Expo in Vatican / “VOLTI DI GIOVANNI PAOLO II” MOSTRA D’ARTE ARRIVA AL VATICANO

Popes have been great patrons of artists, thanks to which the complex of Vatican museums, the Apostolic Palace and St. Peter’s Basilica are an exceptional art treasure today. Also in our century popes patronized artists. Paul VI played a special role in this field, because he organized the Museum of the Contemporary Art from the gifts of artists and private collectors which is in the Renaissance Borgia Apartment. From Paul’s VI initiative, a modern audience hall, called Paul’s VI hall, was built in whose atrium artistic exhibitions are sometimes organized. On 21 October this year, within the preparation for the first liturgical reminiscence of Blessed John Paul II, an exhibition of the Polish artist Anna Gulak was opened – which is an unprecedented fact that Vatican patronizes the exhibition of the artist from Poland. The exhibition entitled: ‘I volti del beato Giovanni Paolo II’ – ‘Faces of Blessed John Paul II’ was opened by cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, the former chairman of the Pope’s Commission for the Vatican State, together with professor Giovanni Morello, the critic of art and professor Marcello Bedeschim from the Foundation of John Paul II for the youth, working with the Council for the Secular. The opening was attended by among the others: cardinal Stanisław Ryłko, the chairman of the Pope’s Council for the Secular and its secretary archbishop Josef Clemens, archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, the chairman for Health Service and Pastoral Work for the ill, archbishop Antonio Maria Veglio, the chairman of the Pope’s Council for the Pastoral Work for Migrants and Travellers, bishop Paolo de Nicolo from the Prefecture of the Pope’s House and many other representatives of Rome’s Curia (”Sunday” W. R.).

I Papi sono stati grandi mecenati di artisti, quale ad esempio il complesso dei Musei del Vaticano, il Palazzo Apostolico e la Basilica di S. Pietro, oggi un tesoro d’arte eccezionale. Anche nel nostro secolo i Papi hanno sostenuto gli artisti. Paolo VI ha svolto un ruolo particolare in questo campo, perché ha organizzato il Museo dell’Arte Contemporanea nel Cortile Borgia ricevendo in dono le opere degli artisti e collezionisti privati. Dalle iniziative di Paul VI, è stata realizzata una moderna sala per le Udienze chiamata Aula Paolo VI.Nell’Atrio dell’Aula sono state organizzate diverse mostre ed eventi. Il 21 ottobre di questo anno, nell’ambito della preparazione della ricorrenza del Beato Giovanni Paolo II, si è tenuta una mostra dell’artista polacca Anna Gulak, E’ stato un evento senza precedenti in Vaticano che patrocina la mostra dell’artista della Polonia. La mostra dal titolo: ‘I Volti del Beato Giovanni Paolo II ” è stata aperta dal Cardinale Giovanni Lajolo, ex presidente del Governatorato dello Stato del Vaticano, insieme al Professore Giovanni Morello, critico di arte ed al Professore Marcello Bedeschi della Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II per la Gioventù, lavorando anche con il Pontificio Consiglio della Salute. All’apertura hanno partecipato tra gli altri: il cardinale Stanislaw Rylko, presidente del Pontificio Consiglio per i Laici il suo segretario, l’Arcivescovo Josef Clemens, l’Arcivescovo Zygmunt Zimowski Presidente del Pontificio Consiglio della Salute l’Arcivescovo Antonio Maria Veglio Presidente del Consiglio per la Pastorale dei Migranti e Itineranti, il Vescovo Paolo de Nicolò Reggente della Casa Pontificia ed altri rappresentanti della Curia Romana (WR “Domenica”).

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12 years ago

Polish artist gets ready for upcoming exhibit, including works of John Paul II / L’ARTISTA POLACCA SI PREPARA PER LA PROSSIMA MOSTRA, CHE COMPRENDE OPERE DI GIOVANNI PAOLO II

This image of John Paul II is just a small part of a monumental sculpture. It was designed by Anna Gulak. A young painter and sculptor from Poland who broke ground in her early 20’s. (”ROMEreports”).

Questa immagine di Giovanni Paolo II è solo una piccola parte di una scultura monumentale è stat progettata e realizzata da AnnaGulak, giovane pittrice e scultrice polacca, che ha aperto la strada internazionale nei suoi primi anni ‘20. (”ROMEreports”).

6 years ago

Contrast in sculpture

6 years ago


November 2009 - Archbishop of Warsaw Cardinal Josef Glemp awarded Anna Gulak the Primate of Poland Order “Populoque Servitium Praestanti Ecclesiae” for her achievements in art.

Novembre 2009 l’Arcivescovo di Varsavia Cardinale Josef Glempnomina premia Anna Gulak con la medaglia del Primate di Polonia “Populoque Servitium Prestanti Ecclesiae” per i suoi successi nell’ Arte.

6 years ago


What is beauty?

Undoubtedly it’ s what we like, what is generally described as “captivating,” “miraculous,” ” sublime” or “lovely.” One can find beauty in a landscape, in the proportionality of someone’s facial features, or in the warm smile of an older woman, reconciled with herself and the world. Beauty can be captured in the bud of a rose or in the colored composition of a painting. It can also be expressed through the harmony of proportions, as a certain aesthetic order or as a canon of beauty adopted in a certain society and time. Beauty is in the love of a mother, in the joy of a child, in an act of selfless love.
Its diversity shows that it is felt as a sensory impression or a spiritual feeling and can manifest itself in various forms : beauty of nature, phisical beauty of the human form, spiritual beauty and also as beauty of forms presented in reality or in the arts. Over the centuries countless attempts have been made to define this idea. In ancient Greece, not only beauty was equated with the idea of goodness, spirituality, morality, order, reason and perfection but also all these qualities were required as a condition of beauty and art at the highest level. Later on this concept was limited to determining what produces the aesthetic experience: namely the overall processes taking place in human consciousness, caused by personal contact with the work of art (the aesthetic object).
Art has always been one of the basic elements of culture. Until the end of the nineteenth century its purpose was to satisfy the human needs for aesthetic experiences. Later on the understanding of art was volatile.
Perception of beauty is one of the basic categories of aesthetics defined by Aristotle as what is pleasant or by Kant as what is liked with subjective necessity in a universal, direct and sincere way, and showed great variability and ambiguity in the history of aesthetics. Determinations of beauty are typically and frequently encountered as the objective properties of objects (especially as their configurations), such as: harmony, symmetry, proportion, measure and order, visual or auditory quality, appropriateness or utility. Historically formed and socially shaped as an ideal in a given period of time, beauty became the foundation of artistic creation.
“A painter whose duty is to paint a picture should paint it as beautifully as he is able to. What beauty is, I know not, though it adheres to many things. I would, however, like to understand beauty in this manner: we should strive to do what in the history of mankind, the majority think beauty to be. ” wrote Albrecht Durer.
In my works beauty is captured in still forms. It is captured motionless on a sheet of paper, on a piece of canvas or trapped in the shape of a sculptural mass. Like the artists of ancient Greece, I seek spiritual beauty in order to demonstrate and express the beauty that manifests itself in the body . I strive to maintain the balance between presenting the beauty of human shapes and the veracity of the reality. Greek sculpture does not idealize the abstract body, but rather seeks the ideal beauty creating a synthesis of living forms which expresses the psycho-physical beauty, harmonizing the soul and the body. It is the beauty of forms and the goodness of spirit. This is the ”kalokagatia” ideal, which also guides me in my work. This kind of beauty is best expressed by still forms, in which a fragment of action or movement finds its balance and in which the simplicity of expression fully corresponds to the variety of detail.
For me beauty is a value in itself and an autonomous state of being. It doesn’t only depend on the physical basis that expresses it. It is not related to this or any other physical object, but exists everywhere. Beauty is transcendental and refers to an intangible world outside us. It corresponds not only to what one sees but also to what is sometimes hidden and often not visible to ordinary mortals (like the famous outer ugliness of Socrates, who shone with inner beauty).
In past centuries a strong connection was assumed between beauty and goodness. For me beauty also equates to what is good, not just what is physically modeled as the perfection of proportion. It is not only reflected in the order and harmony of esthetic creation and acknowledged as a canon in a certain time and culture but also posseses spiritual values. In my art I try to express beauty as a ”truth of character”, which realizes certain values, such as artistic expression, artistic truth and a romantic ambience, in order to emotionally address the soul of the beholder. I try to expose this truth in the portraits of people, in which the viewer perceives it, not only by reason, but also by emotion.
In my understanding , the true nature of beauty is not sensuous, but mystical. It is the beauty which emanates from God and shines not only on humans, but on the Whole Creation. I hope that the viewer perceives it in my art as a contemplation of some degree of supernatural perfection.
The mystical nature of beauty also becomes apparent in the tangible form, as the conjunction of individual components. It appears in the harmony of proportions of the human body (shown in my art in the paintings of the nude). I desire to express it through my art without restraint, with no hidden meanings, joyful in its existence and manifestations. In addition to the symbolic and spiritual meaning, it also has another task – to provide the viewer an aesthetic pleasure. I want it to be perceived by senses and without dissonance. My goal is not only to express it in the physique of the female body but also to treat it as an important factor of the composition and the technique of all my works. Therefore, I take great interest in the aesthetics of formal solutions in all areas of my work. I want the beauty to manifest itself in living and dynamic performance, not in the lifeless and static art. Therefore, I take care to present the human form with dynamism that creates the illusion of reality. The purpose of my work is to show the beauty that is astonishing and restless. Its goal is to forge the bystander’s attention.
The imagination is the most important factor in percepting my works, as well as in creating them. It is the subject and the basis of all of my creative work, because it represents the power capable of empirically capturing artistic and natural beauty.
Sublimity, is another important factor in my search for aesthetic expression, although in contemporary art one can see only negligible traces of it (and of aesthetics). Sublimity is the factor in which the whole majesty of symbolic beauty, which I wish to express in my art, reproduces itself in. Sublimity, like ” the echo of a great soul” emphasizes the great and noble passions, which involve the participation of the viewer’s emotions. Enthusiasm stands first during my act of artistic creation. Creation is a fundamental human need, embedded deep in our nature. The desire to leave behind a trace or to create something has accompanied human nature since the dawn of history. One acknowledges this seeing prehistoric cave paintings, which demonstrate the existence, the power and the sense of belonging to a given place.
Every artist sees the world in a different way, just like each individual person perceives reality from a different point of view. Paul Klee wrote that “art does not reproduce the visible but makes visible.” Therefore, the basis of my actions and efforts is the need to show the beauty of Creation through my own individual language (by my subjective perception) and to place it before the eyes of those who are unable to see it in the surrounding reality.

6 years ago


Anna Gulak’s Diploma was chosen by the Authorities of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw for Poland’s “Best Art Diplomas in 2009″ Exhibition.
The ceremonial Opening of the Exhibition was held on 18 July 2009 at 12.00 in the Great Hall of the Armoury in Gdansk, Poland.
Exhibition is open daily until August 15, 2009 from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm

Le opere del Diploma di Anna Gulak sono state scelte dalle autorità dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Varsavia per i Migliori Diplomi d’Arte della Polonia di 2009 Exhibition.
La cerimonia di apertura della mostra si è tenuta il 18 luglio 2009 alle ore 12.00 presso la Sala Grande dell’ Armeria Antica a Danzica, in Polonia.

6 years ago


The Defense of the Diploma at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts was held on June 29, 2009. The works were exhibited in the Czapski Palace also called The Krasińskis’ Palace Square (the Main Building of the Academy) situated in the heart of the historical quarter of Warsaw.

La difesa del Diploma presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Varsavia si è tenuta il 29 giugno 2009. Le opere sono state esposte presso il Palazzo Czapski chiamato anche Palazzo di Krasińskich (l’edificio principale dell’Accademia), situato nel cuore del centro storico di Varsavia.

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6 years ago